Myths and Archetypes in Annie Proulx's Fiction: Succes or failure?

Grabaketa data: 12/12/2017
Ikusia: 24 aldiz

Ez dago fitxategi atxikiturik

Serie bereko bideoak
2017(e)ko abe. 11(a)
Panel 01. Questions
2017(e)ko abe. 11(a)
From old cowboys to post-human evildoers: Jungian mythic patterns in the Marvel Universe
Dr. Francisco Collado (Universidad de Zaragoza)
2017(e)ko abe. 11(a)
La risa de los dioses: los mitos en la comedia griega
Dra. María José García Soler (UPV/EHU)
2017(e)ko abe. 12(a)
Un mito Stendhaliano en la pintura contemporánea
Jesús Camarero (UPV/EHU)
2017(e)ko abe. 12(a)
On myths, gender and the performance of chicana/latina identity
Amaia Ibarrarán (UPV/EHU)
2017(e)ko abe. 12(a)
Fabricating Defoes: The Myth of the "Master of Fictions"
Dra. Ashley Marshall (University of Reno, Nevada)
2017(e)ko abe. 12(a)