Marc Richards (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Grabaketa data: 16/11/2011
Ikusia: 645 aldiz

No Phase is an Island(?): On the Deletability of Edge Features and the Derivational Dynamics of CED Effects.

Islands in Contemporary Linguistic Theory

Ez dago fitxategi atxikiturik

Serie bereko bideoak
Howard Lasnik (U. of Maryland)
Another Look at Island Repair by Deletion
2011(e)ko aza. 16(a)
Marc Richards (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
No Phase is an Island(?): On the Deletability of Edge Features and the Derivational Dynamics of CED Effects.
2011(e)ko aza. 16(a)
Vassilios Spyropoulos & Nikolaos Stamatogianis (U. of Athens)
Sub-extraction from subjects in Greek: Things that you can think and you can say.
2011(e)ko aza. 16(a)
Marta Abrusan (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
A semantic explanation of factive and wh-islands
2011(e)ko aza. 17(a)
Bradley Larson (U. of Maryland)
What can Multidominance tell us about islands?
2011(e)ko aza. 17(a)
João Costa (FCSH - Universidade Nova de Lisboa) & Kleanthes Grohmann (U. of Cyprus)
Islandhood and Clitics in Language Development.
2011(e)ko aza. 17(a)
Cristiano Chesi (U. of Siena; ISCTE, Lisbon) & Valentina Bianchi (U. of Siena)
Islands violations as unresolved thematically-driven dependencies.
2011(e)ko aza. 17(a)
David Medeiros (U. of Michigan)
The status of wh-islands in Japanese: Evidence from a reaction time paradigm.
2011(e)ko aza. 17(a)
Dan Michel and Grant Goodall (UC San Diego)
Finiteness effects in adjunct islands.
2011(e)ko aza. 17(a)