Silla de evacuación
Grabaketa data: 05/10/2019
Ikusia: 280
Se muestra el montaje y uso de la silla de evacuación existente en la Facultad de Donosti
Silla evacuación Enfermeria Donostia
Serie bereko bideoak
Interesa dakizuke
“Loop Quantum Gravity effects in gravitational collapse”
Asier Alonso (Fisika eta Ingeniaritza Elektronikoa)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“Unveiling atomic-scale features in nanoplasmonics”
Mattin Urbieta (Fisika eta Ingeniaritza Elektronikoa)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“A system-on-chip-based intelligent system for real-time assessment of fuel consumption”
Oscar Mata (Fisika eta Ingeniaritza Elektronikoa)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“Spin and relativistic effects in electron-phonon interaction”
Haritz Garai (Fisika eta Ingeniaritza Elektronikoa)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“NPG/TRIS system and their carbon-based composites as phase change materials for thermal energy storage”
Sergio Santos (Fikika eta Ingeniaritza Elektronikoa)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“Vanishing viscosity limit of conservation laws”
Xuban Diez (Matematika) (Matemáticas)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“On the development of prediction models for complex survey data”
Amaia Iparragirre (Matematika)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“Geomicrobiological interactions and mineral neoformation in sediments of acid mine drainage environments”
Andrey Ilin (Geologia)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“Analysis of cliff instabilities in the Basque Coast, for a respectful management in areas of high geological value”
Jon Ander Clemente (Geologia)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“Evaluation of land cover effects on hydrological functionality of soils: adaptation measures from the territory (Bidasoa catchment, Western Pyrenees)”
Maria Valiente (Geologia)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“Climate changes in the past: mid-Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events and their expression in shallow-marine environments”
Joanaitz Perez (Geologia)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“Unravelling the role of the novel cancer related protein TEDC2 in cell division”
Endika de la Iglesia (Biozientziak)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
Medikuntza Aringarria: Arretaren Humanizaziorantz
Txostengilea: Mª José Almaraz, Araba Osasun Erakunde Txertatuko Medikuntza Aringarri Unitateko (OSI Araba) arduraduna
2022(e)ko mar. 31(a)
“Catadromous Chelon labrosus population dynamics in connection to xenoestrogenicity and intersex condition in estuaries”
Anthony Nzioka (Biozientziak)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“Integration of Ecosystem Services into urban and peri-urban planning for local biodiversity conservation and human health”
Beatriz Fernández (Biozientziak)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“Characterization of six novel ApoE pathogenic variants causing familial hypercholesterolemia”
Asier Larrea (Biozientziak)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)
“Feasibility of passive dosing methods for in vitro toxicological tests in order to evaluate the risk of petroleum hydrocarbons in accidental spills”
Denis Bilbao (Kimika)
2020(e)ko ira. 23(a)