
Grabaketa data: 25/10/2018
Ikusia: 22 aldiz

Ez dago fitxategi atxikiturik

Serie bereko bideoak
Welcome address from authorities
Iñaki Bazán, Dean of the Faculty of Arts; Askoa Ibisate, Director of the Departmento of Geography, Prehistory and Archaeology
2018(e)ko urr. 25(a)
Juan Antonio Quirós (University of the Basque Country)
2018(e)ko urr. 25(a)
Opening keynote. Gardens and gardening in Early Medieval Spain and Portugal
Wendy Davies (University College London)
2018(e)ko urr. 25(a)
What the Iberian Copper Age can tell us about peasant societies
Pedro Díaz del Río (CSIC. Madrid)
2018(e)ko urr. 25(a)
The economic Anthropology of Roman Peasantry: Old Problems and Current Trends
Jesús Bermejo Tirado (Universidad Carlos III)
2018(e)ko urr. 25(a)
Archaeobotanical contribution to the history of farming practices in medieval northern Catalonia (8th-13th c.)
Jérôme Ros (Casa de Velazquez) and Olivier Passarrius (Conseil Départamental des Pyrénnées-Orientales),with the collaboration of Carole Puig, Jérôme Kotarba, Julien Mantenant, Nicolas Guinaudeau
2018(e)ko urr. 25(a)
Within a countryside cemetery of the 5th-7th century: selected remarks on organization and economy
Joan Pinar Gil (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz)
2018(e)ko urr. 25(a)