Pia Sundqvist (University of Oslo)
Grabaketa data: 17/10/2024
Ikusia: 10
Before and beyond the classroom: The importance of young learners’ self-initiated engagement with L2 English
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Christine Möller-Omrani (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences)
Investigating metalinguistic awareness in primary education
2024(e)ko urr. 17(a)
Elisabet Pladevall-Ballester1, Montse Capdevila1 & Eloi Puig-Mayenco2 (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona1, King’s College London2)
Young learners’ metalinguistic awareness in a task-supported EFL teaching intervention
2024(e)ko urr. 17(a)
Raúl Azpilicueta-Martínez & Nora Ocáriz Tejada (NAVLAT Navarre Language Acquisition and Teaching / UPNA)
Audio-synchronised textual enhancement and pronunciation with young CLIL learners
2024(e)ko urr. 17(a)
Pedro Humánez-Berral (Universidad de Cantabria)
Pronunciation learning strategies in CLIL and EFL primary education learners: A quantitative study
2024(e)ko urr. 17(a)
María Dolores García-Pastor (University of Valencia)
Task engagement in EFL children’s pair talk during an instructional grammar sequence
2024(e)ko urr. 17(a)
Alexandra Schurz 1 & Shona Whyte 2 (University of Vienna 1, Université Côte d’Azur 2)
The potential of English AVENUES (Audio-Visual Enrichment Unlocked in Elementary School)
2024(e)ko urr. 17(a)
Tomas Kos (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Enhancing young learners’ collaboration through task design. What can language pedagogy learn from research?
2024(e)ko urr. 17(a)
Shona Whyte 1 & Ciara R. Wigham 2 (Université Côte d’Azur 1, Université Clermont Auvergne 2)
Supporting learner-to-learner interaction: Linguistic and visual resources in a synchronous oral telecollaborative task
2024(e)ko urr. 17(a)
Juana María Blanco Fernández (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
The treatment of Spanish as a language of instruction in the educational centres of Castilla- La Mancha: Current situation and future prospects
2024(e)ko urr. 17(a)