Dan Michel (UC San Diego)

Grabaketa data: 17/11/2011
Ikusia: 568 aldiz

Individual differences inform the syntax-processing island debate.

Islands in Contemporary Linguistic Theory


Serie bereko bideoak
Howard Lasnik (U. of Maryland)
Another Look at Island Repair by Deletion
2011(e)ko aza. 16(a)
Marc Richards (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
No Phase is an Island(?): On the Deletability of Edge Features and the Derivational Dynamics of CED Effects.
2011(e)ko aza. 16(a)
Vassilios Spyropoulos & Nikolaos Stamatogianis (U. of Athens)
Sub-extraction from subjects in Greek: Things that you can think and you can say.
2011(e)ko aza. 16(a)
Marta Abrusan (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
A semantic explanation of factive and wh-islands
2011(e)ko aza. 17(a)
Bradley Larson (U. of Maryland)
What can Multidominance tell us about islands?
2011(e)ko aza. 17(a)
João Costa (FCSH - Universidade Nova de Lisboa) & Kleanthes Grohmann (U. of Cyprus)
Islandhood and Clitics in Language Development.
2011(e)ko aza. 17(a)
Cristiano Chesi (U. of Siena; ISCTE, Lisbon) & Valentina Bianchi (U. of Siena)
Islands violations as unresolved thematically-driven dependencies.
2011(e)ko aza. 17(a)
David Medeiros (U. of Michigan)
The status of wh-islands in Japanese: Evidence from a reaction time paradigm.
2011(e)ko aza. 17(a)
Dan Michel and Grant Goodall (UC San Diego)
Finiteness effects in adjunct islands.
2011(e)ko aza. 17(a)